SMS Math League

Item 1#:
Our Price: $65.00

Math League is designed for middle school students who like competing and solving challenging problems beyond the scope of what is taught in our standard curriculum. At each competition, students complete individual and group problems as part of the Washington County Division of the MNJHML. At the end of the season we compete for a chance to go to the University of Minnesota state meet as part of the MATHCOUNTS program.

Advisor -  Tom Sebo - -  651-351-8129
Fee -  $65 (sign up on SmartSchoolK12)
Meeting Times -  There are 5 competitions in the division and one regional competition from October - February. We practice 1-2x each week to have fellowship and prepare for the competitions.

SAHS-Parking 24-25
SKU:  Permit25
Price: $100.00
SMS Junior Achievement Field Trip
SKU:  SMSJrAchieve