OMS Music Department Donations

Item 1#:
Music Fundraiser
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Dear Music Families,
We are off to a great start to our year! We are having fun getting to know our students and hearing them sing
and play their instruments!
Each year, the Oak-Land Music Department holds a fundraiser to help meet the unique needs of our student
musicians. The money raised will be used to provide special opportunities for students to work with clinicians
and professional musicians. It will help to provide scholarships to students who cannot afford concert attire or
the costs of field trips, purchase additional performance music, and cover the cost of accompanists for choir
concerts. Other uses of these funds include repair, maintenance, and replacement of school-owned
instruments and equipment, and piano tunings. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to support all of these needs. If
every student is able to donate $20 or more we will reach this goal!
In place of a product-based fundraising program (like cookie dough or dining cards) where sometimes 60% or
more of the funds go to pay for the products and to run the program, we are writing to ask for donations to the
Music Department. 100% of the funds donated will go to support our students. Any amount that you can give
will be greatly appreciated!
Like other fundraisers, we hope you will help your student reach out to family and friends to support our
fundraiser. And while we don’t recommend that students go door-to-door to solicit donations, trusted neighbors
are often willing to support their activities. Your student will receive an envelope to collect donations in. There
is also a spot in SmartSchoolK12 for you to make donations, but cash and check may be easier.
SmartSchoolK12 is located in the left-hand column of PowerSchool. Search for “Oak-Land Music Department
Donations” within SmartSchoolK12. We ask that you help your child return this envelope by Tuesday, Oct.
24th. No donation is too big or too small. Every dollar of your donation will support the work of the OMS
Music Department.
Please let us know if you have questions or concerns and we thank you for your support.
Sue Gilsdorf - 7th Grade Treble Choir - - 651-351-8589
Rachel Schmeltzer - Choir - - 651-351-8589
Julie Vanderstappen - 6th Grade Orchestra - - 651-351-8679
Joel Bryan - Band and 7th Grade General Music - - 651-351-8578

SMS 7 Valleyfair
SKU:  Valleyfair
SMS 8 Boat Dance
SKU:  BoatDance
SMS 6 Nickelodeon Universe